Toxic Thinking & Cancer

Good information.  Check out #9 – 1 and 8 will die of cancer “globally”.  In the US, cancer is “often” NOT listed as the cause of death.  Listed may be; pneumonia, stroke, heart attack, infection, etc.  This practice skews the statistics of cancer survivors, making it seem we are winning the “so-called” war on cancer, when in reality the epidemic is growing.  All of this information is great and preventative, however, I would also add to this that years of worry and toxic thinking may cause more cancer than we know.  Unhappiness and health cannot co-exist.  Unhappiness affects the body at cell level.  Science is now proving this…

Man’s Attempt to Duplicate Nature is a Big Fail!

Wordpress picture - GMO Food

It has come up to me several times over the course of the past year that “something is missing” with GMO produce, and “hydroponic” grown produce.  Some science tells us there is no difference between what Mother Nature creates and what man creates.   What’s the missing link?  Mother Nature’s miraculous influence.  We do not know exactly every detail that is necessary in designing a food source that is perfectly compatible to the human body, but Mother Nature does.   Being able to intuitively test the vibration of different foods and the compatibility to the body, it’s become apparent to me that just because man can mimic nature and nutrients in food, without Mother Nature’s touch the body doesn’t recognize the food as compatible.  It makes logical sense the natural organic human body and any animal or plant for that matter requires a natural organic food source to thrive.  This food source is provided by Mother Nature.   The Kingdom of Earth cannot survive without Her.   The world is not getting healthier as a result of all the technology designed to “bypass” nature.  Our survival on Earth depends on working WITH Mother Nature not against her to restore our natural balance and state of well-being.  Good Food for Thought..

Man Made Vs Nature Made..

Is it possible this genetically modified version of our “symbol of health” will not be fully recognized by our bodies?  It makes sense to me that nature supplies what the natural, organic human body needs for health and maintenance.  Nature and the human animal are co-dependent.   I’m not convinced man can duplicate this natural, complimentary process.  Does science really understand the miracle of life and nature? Science says the nutrients in the GMO products and organic products are the same, but that doesn’t mean our bodies can use them. Can science really decode the conversation between our natural food source and our natural bodies?  We’ve seen what happens to synthetic vitamins – They end up the sewer system, undigested.  We know our bodies are so unique, they are not compatible with foreign substances placed in the body and will even reject a perfectly good organ.  Our bodies rebel against bacteria, viruses, bugs. etc.  I for one, believe all the chemicals, pesticides, pharmaceuticals, modified and processed foods are taking their toll on public health simply because they are NOT compatible to the miracle that is our natural, organic body.  Food For Thought….

SAY NO to GMO – You have until February 27th to make your voice heard!

Government of the people, by the people, for

the people, shall not perish from the Earth”.

Abraham Lincoln

Make your voice heard at:

 and at to sign a petition

 going directly to President Obama and US Department of Agriculture (USDA)
Learn more about GMO foods at
 Dear Readers – I put in my 2 cents below  – Will you speak up?

With the ever-increasing cancer rates, obesity, and chronic disease in our country, I find it hard to fathom the connection between what we eat and our health is not being made.  Health care cost is at  epidemic proportions along with all the disease and with no end in sight.  According to the National Health Expenditure has reached 17.6% of the GDP and an average of $8,086 per person.   The answer is not in forcing people to buy insurance so healthcare providers can get paid for more open heart surgeries  and chemotherapy and big  Pharma can sell more drugs.  I very seldom watch TV anymore and when I do I’m amazed at the amount of drug advertisements.   Every other commercial is a drug for this and a drug for that.  Drugs companies spend billions of dollars convincing the sick, that they have the magic pill.  I was shocked the other day to hear an advertisement for the new drug “Provigil”, to treat “shift work disorder” – really?  Half of the 60 second spot was taken up with the side effect disclosure of which included death of course.  Who benefits from all this advertising?  I don’t think it’s the poor shift worker who now needs more drugs to deal with the side effects of his “shift work disorder” drug. 

The answer to all this madness is not in a pill –  It’s in preventing illness before it cost thousands of dollars.  The answer is in getting healthy.  Supply and demand still works.  Decrease the demand for a product or service and the cost goes down for everyone.

Studies have proven time and again, that pesticides and toxins cause cancer and disease, along with poor nutrition.  Maybe it’s  time our elected officials put our money where their mouth is – how about a few more dollars spent on subsidizing  clean produce?  You say America needs to get healthy and then you subsidize the very foods that are making us sick and fat, like GMO corn.

No benefit will be gained by promoting the market for GM food.  I read the news and I am aware of the problems already surfacing with cross contamination of organic fields for instance, and the fact Monsanto’s pesticide and herbicide formulas have produced crops more and more resistant to the pests and weeds they were designed to resist. The same has happened with antibiotics as the misuse of these miracle drugs has increased, creating stronger and more resistant strains of deadly bacteria.   Where does this end?  When our food source is gobbled up by super bugs or so contaminated it’s not fit for human consumption, or when a new bacterial epidemic wipes us out?

If the government is really interested in the health of America, you will not allow this deregulation.   Corporate profit is the only benefactor of such a decision.

Americans can no longer but on blinders and allow profit to dictate how we eat.   We have the right of not only knowing what is in our food supply, but the right to choose.  I choose good health for myself and by doing so affect the gene pool positively for the next generation.

Demand good food and the supply of bad food will end automatically.   Supply and demand – simple…..

Thanks for reading and sharing……And thank you “” for all of your important, thoughtful research.  I’m playing it forward.

With Patience

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